We are facing a hell of the problems. Steep price rise of essential commodities has made the life of common man difficult. Tax-payers’ money is siphoned off by unscrupulous politicians by way of variety of scams like CWG, Aadarsh, 2G-Spartrum and so on. Common man is living in hand-to-mount, even worse, situation. Terrorism keeps on threatening our national security and integration. China is, as usual pushing India on border issues. List is infinite. And of course our elite media is keeping the fire burning by telecasting all these problems as news, discussions, interviews etc.
But come 19th February and all problems are solved. Because ICC cricket World Cup will starts on that grate day. Once cricket is there, no problem can sustain against the importance of the cricket. We will forget everything and will start bothering who will get the cup.
Cricket news will be the only news, breaking or regular, for all the news channels. Each run scored and fall of every wicket will be updated on all news channels during the match is going on and after the match is over detailed post-mortem of the match will be served to the viewers. And we will happily watch all this silly stuff by roaming from one channel to the other. Newspapers will not remain behind. If BCCI team wins, front-page news item. If they loss, even bigger news with worry of what will happen to this country. (The team playing cricket as Indian team is not selected by any government/public department/body. It is selected and being maintained by an independent body called BCCI. Unfortunately we attach our national pride with these 11+ persons who are on pay-roll of a private profit-motivated commercial entity. In addition now these persons are ‘purchased’ by business houses via auction.)
Pakistan continues cross-border terrorism, no problem. China eyes Arunachal Pradesh, not a big issue. And inflation… what is that? The core issue is the ICC world cup. All discussions/expressions will be directed to cricket, may it be on TV, news paper or at “Nukkad”. All other things are patty and can be think about( if to think about at all) after 2nd April, i.e. the last day of the world cup.
News channels’ or news papers’ owners are no fools. They will go after any news either if it has TRP/circulation value or monetary value. And the cricket has both. Average Indian goes mad after the cricket news and BCCI is there to add monetary value for each telecast/publication of cricket stuff.
Sometime I wonder that BCCI is working as a “pacifying agency” for the Indian government. It keeps on producing cricket “tamasha” on regular interval to ensure diversion of average people mind from their day-to-day problems. Cricket is a toxic material being sold without any license to even minors. And world cup is a heavier dose. All will use this toxic material and forget about all the problems. How many marks were obtained in last prelim-exams? Don’t remember? Not a problem, but run scored by Sachin or even Bhajjee must be on tongue-tip. Otherwise you are an ignorant, useless creature and got a big zero in GK. Budget will come and go. But you need not to bother what taxes will cut your pocket to size until you know the date of next match of BCCI team. But government wants this. Cricket is a big tool for the rulers to divert the mind of common man from the ‘state-sponsored’ problems to something where government is not involved. You can’t blame any politician if so called Indian cricket team run-out of the tournament even in league-round.
Definitely I am not against the game of Cricket. But it should be a sport only. It should not become our national issue. (I will not discuss here about the loss being suffered by other genuine sports because of the unauthorized ‘national-game’ status of cricket.) It should get coverage and our attention only it deservers as a sport. We must remember that cricket world cup will not earn anything for the country. All profits will go the BCCI and will be at disposals of “Lalit Modies”. (Name may differ from person to person, but act will not.)
We, as responsible citizen of the country must come out from this cricket-mania. Enjoying the game is not a problem, but it should not be allowed to command the situation and take all our attention to the extent that the real issues go sidelined and the culprits escape comfortably.
Please, keep on thinking BEYOND CRICKET during the ICC World Cup too.